Board of Directors Approved 02/07/02
January 3, 2002
Present: Koch, Anthony, Gemmer, Frisbie, Fell, Bardizbanian, Olsen,
LaVrar, French, Varady, Brooks, Capozzo, Sottana
Ex-Officio: Chesarek
The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m. Minutes of December 6 and Special Minutes
of December 20, 2001
December 6: Olsen motioned to approve, Fell seconded. The motion carried.
December 20: Bardizbanian motioned to approve, Fell seconded. The motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Fell presented a letter addressed to the membership regarding the 2002 Operational
Budget for the Board's review. The letter was amended and approved. The letter
will be included with the January 2002 statements.
Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Member Justin McCarthy & Keval McNamara: Olsen motioned to
approve, French seconded. The motion carried.
Prospective Member Timothy & Tia McCormick: Bardizbanian motioned to approve,
Olsen seconded. The motion carried.
2002 Capital Improvement Fund (C.I.F.)
Several 2002 C.I.F. line items were questioned by the Board of Directors at
their special meeting held on December 20, 2001. At the Board's request Capozzo
wrote for a brief report on why the items were necessary. This report was
faxed to each director on December 24, 2001.
After review of the report on the line items in question, Olsen motioned to
approve the 2002 Capital Improvement Fund. Fell seconded. A discussion followed
and Olsen withdrew the motion.
Varady motioned to approve the 2002 Capital Improvement Fund with the exception
of the following:
Patio Furniture: - No. The committee can use up to $1,800 for a TV stand.
Drainage Upper Parking Lot: - No. The Board would like the building &
grounds committee to get an opinion on costs.
Main Kitchen Hood Upgrade & Fire System: - No. Upgrading the hood will
be postponed until the kitchen is remodeled.
Tennis - Gates For Courts 3 & 5: No.
Brooks seconded. The motion carried.
Greens: A tree on #14 has branches which look as if they are ready
to break. The tree will be trimmed to avoid a problem. Members have been giving
the green crew the right of way during the early morning hours.
Golf: No meeting. Olsen suggested that the committee recommend an
increase for outside tournaments green fees.
House: No meeting
Tennis: No meeting
Membership: No meeting
F&B: No meeting
B&G: No meeting
Pool: No meeting
Old & New Business
Employee Parties: The Board of Directors expressed concern over the
Club's liability following employee parties. Claude will respond to the concerns.
Outside Golf Tournaments: Due to a member's continued concern on the benefits of outside tournaments, the Green and Golf Committees will review the advantages and disadvantages to the Club and make a recommendation to the Board.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Anne Gemmer